Bacterial and Enzyme Grease and Fat Trap Treatment in South Africa

Incredibly cost effective, low pricing for bacterial and enzymatic treatment and cleaning of pit toilets, pit latrines and long drops in South Africa.

Afrizymes eco friendly bacteria, enzyme and microbe bio chemical technology is based on biology and involves the use of living micro organisms to make eco friendly products. Living micro organisms grow and produce enzymes, its derivatives and other related matter for use in various industries. These bio products have a wide range of applications including medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food, fertilizer, aquaculture, textile, brewing, tanning, pulp and paper, environmental and waste water treatment, oil spill cleaning and even household and institutional maintenance. Bio enzyme and bacterial microbe technology draw on biological sciences including genetics, microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, bio-chemistry, embryology, cell biology, ecology and often involves eco friendly chemical engineering, and bio-engineering.

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Billions of years ago Mother Nature had already solved the problem of how to keep the Earth clean, naturally. Recent breakthroughs in science and technology have helped us to understand how this is made possible. By using the correct good or beneficial bacteria virtually any dirt build up, stain, odour, septic system, FOG’s (fats, oils, greases) or even hydrocarbon based oil stains can be safely cleaned, bio-degraded and removed quicker and more cost effectively than traditional harmful chemicals. This applies especially to pit toilets, pat latrines and long drops in South Africa.

Pit Toilet Granules & Powder Treatment:

Afrizymes enzyme and bacterial cultures are uniquely cultivated from South African soils giving them a massive home ground performance advantage. They metabolize much faster, reproduce quicker and survive longer. Critically our products are EDTA free and are far more environmentally friendly. Afrizymes manufacturing technology also creates local jobs in South Africa and assists with the trade deficit, while addressing key national priorities of socio-economic improvement and sustainable environmental preservation. Our bacteria and enzymes are extremely intelligent for the treatment and cleaning of pit toilets, pit latrines and long drops. They determine what type of organic problem they are being applied to, and then selectively produce and treat the right combination of enzymes to effectively biodegrade their intended target. The process is similar to how your stomach automatically knows how to break down different food types, only our products are exponentially more powerful. The incredible thing is that once the target has effectively been neutralized by using our unique tablet or powder dosing products, the only by-products of this process are water and carbon dioxide! The extremely potent bacteria and enzymes and formulated ingredients in Afrizymes Pit Toilet, Pit Latrine and Long Drop Treatment rapidly reduce wastes such as NH3, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, COD and BOD. You will also see huge improvements in odour and fly reduction. Afrizymes Pit Toilet, Pit Latrine and Long Drop Treatment also liquefies solids and reduces the leaching of the pit latrine water into the ground water. This is all done biologically using proprietary Afrizymes micro organism, bacteria and enzymes formulated to work optimally in these systems. For initial dosing mix 2 x 5 gram sachets into 5L of warm water and then add to the pit toilet, pat latrine or long drop. If the pit toilet, pat latrine or long drop is neglected and has a hard surface caking, add extra water and break the surface open with a long stick. Add 1 sachet weekly as an ongoing maintenance dose. Avoid adding any chemicals, detergents or biocides as this will prevent the bacteria from functioning correctly. Do not add any foreign objects into the pit toilet, pat latrine or long drop which do not biodegrade, such as plastics. Mild detergents can be used in limited amounts to clean above ground toilets. Do not add harsh acids or bases as this will kill the bacteria.

Features of Product:

  • Bio-remediates waste in pit toilets, long drops and pit latrines
  • Reduces leaching and consequent ground water contamination
  • Reduces foul odours
  • Reduces pathogenic disease causing organisms
  • Reduced environmental pollution
  • Prolonged pit toilet, pat latrine and long drop lifespan
  • Improvement in the dignity and quality of life of users
  • Reduces flies
  • Made in South Africa, supports local initiatives

Available in tablet, powder and granular form for all types of pit toilets, long drops and pit latrine toilets.

Pit Toilet Tablets:

Potent bio enzyme waste digester tablets for pit toilets, pit latrines and long drops which digests organic matter, removes odours, and gets rid of flies

Product Description:

The extremely potent bacteria and formulated ingredients in Ecozyme Pit Toilet Tablets rapidly reduce wastes such as NH3, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, COD and BOD. You will also see huge improvements in odour reduction. Ecozyme Pit Toilet Tablets also liquefies solids and reduces the leaching of the pit toilet water into the ground water. This is all done biologically using proprietary Ecozyme micro-organisms formulated to work optimally in these systems. The product works effectively in all pit toilets, pit latrines and long drops.


  • Bio-remediates waste
  • Reduces leaching and consequent ground water contamination
  • Reduces foul odours
  • Reduces pathogenic disease causing organisms
  • Reduced environmental pollution
  • Prolonged pit toilet lifespan
  • Improvement in the dignity and quality of life of users
  • Reduces flies
  • Made in South Africa, supports local initiatives


For initial dosing mix 2 x tablets into 5L of water and then add to the pit toilet or long drop. If the pit toilet is neglected and has a hard surface caking, add extra water and break the surface open with a long stick. Add 1 x tablet weekly as an ongoing maintenance dose. Avoid adding any chemicals, detergents or biocides as this will prevent the bacteria from functioning correctly. Do not add any foreign objects which do not biodegrade such as plastics. Mild detergents can be used in limited amounts to clean above ground toilets. Do not add harsh acids or bases as this will kill the bacteria


Do not use together with acids, alkali, bleach or disinfectants. Keep away from children.


Stable for 2 years at between 4 and 400 C in a sealed package. Stable for 6 months at between 4 and 400C once opened.


Packed in bulk boxes of 100 tablets.