Septic Tank Enzyme Cleaning and Treatment South Africa

Incredibly cost effective, low pricing for Enzymes for septic systems in South Africa.

Afrizymes eco friendly bacteria, enzyme and microbe bio chemical technology is based on biology and involves the use of living micro organisms to make eco friendly products. Living micro organisms grow and produce enzymes, its derivatives and other related matter for use in various industries. These bio products have a wide range of applications including medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food, fertilizer, aquaculture, textile, brewing, tanning, pulp and paper, environmental and waste water treatment, oil spill cleaning and even household and institutional maintenance. Bio enzyme and bacterial microbe technology draw on biological sciences including genetics, microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, bio-chemistry, embryology, cell biology, ecology and often involves eco friendly chemical engineering, and bio-engineering.

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Without the billions of naturally occurring microscopic bacteria and enzymes living in a septic tank, the septic tank would not work properly. Bio enzyme septic tank treatment, cleaning and dosing is crucial for the correct functioning of septic tanks in South Africa. Enzymes for septic tanks are responsible for a major part of the three-stage treatment that processes wastewater in a septic tank. The wastewater separates into layers in the septic tank. This is where the process of decomposition begins. Bacteria and enzymes, which are naturally present in all septic tanks, begin to digest the solids that have settled to the bottom of the tank, transforming up to 50 percent of these solids into liquids and gases.

It is necessary to dose and add bacteria, enzymes or activators to the community of organisms that naturally occur in a septic tank. When doses of drain cleaner, general purpose cleaners, bleach, or antibiotic drugs are introduced to the septic tank, or there is a sudden change in the Ph of the system, it can temporarily kill off a large number of beneficial enzymes and bacteria, however, it is difficult to kill off all the enzymes and bacteria. In this instance by artificially introducing and replenishing more bacteria and enzymes, a system’s biological community will recover, through reproduction, and replenishment in a matter of hours. Another important part of the process performed by bacteria, enzymes and other microscopic organisms occurs when the effluent from the septic tank enters the drainfield and comes into contact with the biomat. Organisms living in the biomat further digest organic matter contained in the effluent before it reaches the soil where the last part of the process is completed, with the help of bacteria and enzymes naturally occurring in the soil. Many of the bacteria and enzymes living in the biomat and in the soil are aerobic or oxygen dependent. When water floods drainfield soil many of these bacteria die off and cannot be replenished until flooded soils can be relieved.

All septic tank systems should be checked on an annual basis to ensure they are working properly. Baffles, specially designed pipes which allow the sewage into and out of the tank, need to be checked to ensure they are not worn or damaged. The level of sludge (the material that accumulates at the bottom of the tank) needs to be measured to determine when the system should be pumped. Homeowners should routinely have their septic tanks pumped out every three to five years. However, the frequency with which your septic tank system needs to be pumped may vary depending on the size of the septic tank and number of people in the household. Use a Licensed Pumper and Hauler for septic tank Maintenance. Hire a licensed pumper and hauler to service your septic tank system. This is primarily for homeowner safety, since septic tanks produce harmful fumes and can be dangerous to clean for those not adequately prepared. Using qualified professionals also reduces the chance of improper monitoring or possible damage to the system during pumping. Contact either your local health and sanitation department or check the Yellow Pages in your area phone book to find qualified pumpers. It is much less expensive to maintain a septic tank than to repair or replace it later. Septic tank maintenance is often overlooked by homeowners, don’t let this hidden and expensive part of your home or business catch you off guard.