Enzymes and Bacteria for Aquaculture in South Africa

Incredibly cost effective, low pricing for Enzymes and Bacteria for Aquaculture in South Africa.

Afrizymes eco friendly bacteria, enzyme and microbe bio chemical technology is based on biology and involves the use of living micro organisms to make eco friendly products. Living micro organisms grow and produce enzymes, its derivatives and other related matter for use in various industries. These bio products have a wide range of applications including medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food, fertilizer, aquaculture, textile, brewing, tanning, pulp and paper, environmental and waste water treatment, oil spill cleaning and even household and institutional maintenance. Bio enzyme and bacterial microbe technology draw on biological sciences including genetics, microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, bio-chemistry, embryology, cell biology, ecology and often involves eco friendly chemical engineering, and bio-engineering.


Over harvesting, pollution of our oceans and dams and other factors has necessitated the need for aquaculture. To meet the increasing demands of the global seafood market, aquaculture business has expanded rapidly over the years. Shrimp farming for instance has grown from traditional, small-scale businesses into a global industry in a very short time. Aquaculture technology improved considerably in recent times and this has made sustaining the closed containment of saline, brackish or fresh water denizens a possibility. Improvements of artificial implements like mechanical aerators, filters, cage and farm designs have greatly helped aquaculture businesses. Knowledge of broodstock, correct feed and waste management, diseases, pathogens, etc. have also played critical roles in this ecologically sensitive habitat. The use of aquaculture bacteria and enzymes has also become indispensable in the maintenance and productiveness of these aquatic environments. They are now used in all stages of aquaculture development from hatcheries, nurseries to grow-outs. Enzymes are basically proteins that are produced naturally by plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and all other living things. They are absolutely necessary for life, aquatic or terrestrial, because they speed up chemical actions without altering themselves when at it.

Aqua Gobbler is a revolutionary proprietary bacterial additive for aquaculture applications which creates a healthier environment, reduces diseases, adds sparkle and visually cleans ponds, ornamental fish farms, tropical, marine aquariums and fish tanks.

Product Description:

Ecozyme Aqua Gobbler™ is a natural, safe and highly effective biological additive for aquaculture environments which helps to add a beautiful sparkle to water and effectively cleans its target environment by enhancing the natural biological processes using a strain of proprietary bacteria in ponds, marine and tropical aquariums.

Current Global Challenges:

Global aquaculture is challenged around the world by poor water quality and the regular outbreak of diseases caused by bad pathogens. Using good and beneficial bacteria as a biological agent has massive advantages to address aquaculture challenges by improving water quality and reducing diseases caused by bad pathogenic bacteria.

Mode of Action:

The bacteria in Ecozyme Aqua Gobbler™ are physiologically robust and are formulated into a very stable commercial product which is easily tolerant to the harsh environmental conditions required in its application. Ecozyme Aqua Gobbler™ uses the mode of competitive exclusion to kill off bad pathogens. What this means is that the good bacteria in Aqua Gobbler™ display an exponentially higher growth rate and compete with, win and digest the food that bad bacteria need to survive. Aqua Gobbler™ essentially starves bad pathogens of their food source and they eventually die off. Aqua Gobbler™ functions across a wide range of physiological conditions, including salinity, pH and temperature. Optimum temperatures significantly add to the performance Aqua Gobbler™ while relative fluctuations of salinity and pH do not have a significant performance impact which adds greatly to its overall benefit and attractiveness in application.

  • Product Features:
  • Enhances water quality by reducing the concentration of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphates
  • Reduces solids and organic wastes
  • Pathogen inhibition action reducing pathogen load linked to disease
  • Reduces algae bloom proliferation
  • Promotes healthy fish growth and lowers mortality
  • Biological filter maturation


Ecozyme Aqua Gobbler™ will invaluably greatly contribute to a healthier and visually cleaner aquatic environment, in residential but especially commercial environments where health, a high growth rate, high stocking density and greatly reduced diseases and low environmental pollution is required. Aqua Gobbler™ is essential for a rapidly growing, high-value industry, and the health and survival of countless fish species which is a critical requirement for the success of business and the preservation of our precious planet.

Dosage & Directions:

  • Ecozyme Aqua Gobbler™ should be added directly to the reticulated water system once a week. The dosage can be safely increased up to five times for extreme potency based on water conditions.
  • Aqua Gobbler™ powder turns blue once it is mixed in water and will clear after passing through the filter system
  • 1 gram treats 1m3 (1g per 1000 thousand litres)


Store in a dry, cool and dark place.

Afrizymes has produced enzymes and bacterial formulations that are derived from nature. These enzymes & bacteria are not genetically engineered are now available in commercial quantity. The progress and refinements in aquaculture technology have helped the business by lowering costs, increasing quality and quantity of production and at the same time making certain that it becomes more and more eco-friendly. Aquaculture will be an ever growing business now and in the future.